The Panoptical Poet, Erin J. Bauman reading at Café Voltaire, in Books and Company, Prince George, B.C., Canada.
Erin J. Bauman is a freelance writer, artist, educator, and poet who enjoys being challenged and living creatively. ​
Erin has written an immense body of poetic work and her writing has been featured in several magazines and anthologies including: The Confluence (The Confluence | College of New Caledonia Students' Union (cncsu.ca), the College of New Caledonia (CNC) Newspaper in Prince George, B.C.; Thimbleberry (https://thimbleberry.ca), a Northern B.C. arts and culture magazine; Eccentric Orbits: An Anthology of Sci-fi Poetry (Eccentric Orbits - Dimensionfold Publishing); and in 'The Nelson Daily' (The Nelson Daily | Recent News In Nelson, BC), an online publication produced in Nelson B.C. She also collaborated with musician Doug Koyama on the song “Time to Stand Up”, which was written as a tribute to the Water Protectors of Standing Rock in North Dakota.
As a poet, Erin performs and facilitates workshops at a variety of events in her community and beyond. She has hosted workshops and performances at Cafe Voltaire in Books and Company (Books & Company (booksandcompany.ca), Two Rivers Gallery (Welcome to Two Rivers Gallery | Prince George BC), Exploration Place (The Exploration Place - Home), Robson Valley Music Festival (Robson Valley Music Festival (rvmf.ca), Peace In/Peace Out Festival (Peace In Peace Out - YouTube) and Hootstock ((8) Hootstock Festival | Facebook).
With a BA in English and other certifications Erin's strong mechanical foundation of writing, combined with her wealth of life experiences, makes her an extremely capable freelance writer with a wide content creation scope. As a freelance writer, Erin specializes in creating educational resources and writing about current educational trends, but she is open to creating content about any subject. Her previously mentioned experience working in education has helped to make her an expert in things like multi-sensory and growth-mindset learning, allowing her to incorporate these concepts into her resource creation work and content writing work. Erin has worked with schools, non-profit groups, and other clients on resumes, worksheets, games, social media posts, fliers, press releases, event posters, and more.
Her professional career has covered twenty-plus years of writing and working in human services. Her first career was working as a food and beverage server, bartender, and manager, which gave Erin a strong foundation of understanding of things like human behaviour, sales, and marketing. Erin also worked as an Orton-Gillingham tutor with the Learning Differences Center of B.C., and she works as an education assistant with the public school system.
During her time as a tutor, Erin learned unique methods of breaking down the English language into sound groups and spelling rules and designed a grammar program with lesson plans and games to help her students improve their own writing. This teaching process also helped to give her an excellent technical grasp of the mechanics of writing.
Now working as the Om Work Guru, Erin is helping to put the om back into homework. As well as having her EFT/TFT Practitioner, Education Assistant, MANDT and Orton-Gillingham certification, Erin is also a certified children's yoga instructor. She has combined her education and experience to create a unique tutoring method that combines multi- sensory and mindfulness techniques to help teach her students how to believe in themselves and develop a love of learning.
Contact Erin today for all of your content writing needs, to book an academic or mindfulness coaching or tutoring session, to purchase merchandise, or to book her for an event. She can be reached through the contact page on this website, by email, found on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, and you can check out more of her work here.
Publication History
“Lies in the Skies”, song recorded on the album Voices of Change, 1992
“The Pickle Song”, co-written with Gail Bauman, song recorded on the album Voices of Change, 1992
“Doesn’t the World Deserve Another Butterfly?”, poem, published in Leviathan, Trish Thomas, July 2002
“Miss Kitty Speaks Out Against Religious Bigotry”, article, published in Leviathan, Trish Thomas, July 2002
“The Media and Manipulation: Who is Really Pulling the Strings?”, essay, published in Voice of the Future, Elder and Leemaur, 2005.
“A Christmas To Remember (A gift for the children who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School), published in The Nelson Daily, Black Sheep Publishing, December 23, 2013
“Speaking to a Capitalist: When You Say…”, poem, published in The Confluence, Garret Svensen, January 2013
“Inanimate Icing”, poem, published in The Confluence, Garret Svensen, August 2013
“Namaste”, poem, published in The Confluence, Garret Svensen, September 2013
“Gathering Memories”, poem, published in The Confluence, Garret Svensen, September 2013
“’Twas Christmas in Canada 2013: A Hippy’s Holiday Homage”, published in The Nelson Daily, Black Sheep Publishing, December 2013
“A Space to Celebrate”, The Confluence, Garret Svensen, December 2013
“’Twas Christmas in Canada 2013: A Hippy’s Holiday Homage”, The Confluence, Garret Svensen, January 2014
“Post Election Ponderings 2015”, poem, published in The Nelson Daily, Black Sheep Publishing, November 2015
“Post Election Ponderings 2015”, poem, published in The Confluence, Harman Dandiwal, November 2015
A Kootenay Flower in Foreign Soil, chapbook of poems, self published, August 2016
“Namaste”, poem, published in The Confluence, Harman Dandiwal, November 2016
“Time to Stand Up”, poem, published in The Confluence, Harman Dandiwal, January 2017
“Time to Stand Up”, poem, published in The Nelson Daily, Black Sheep Publishing, January 2017
“Time to Stand Up”, poem recorded with background music and vocals by Doug Koyama, played on CBC radio, Prince George B.C., May 2017
“Time to Stand Up”, poem recorded with background music and vocals by Doug Koyama, played on CFUR radio, Prince George B.C., May 2017
“Nineties Kids”, poem, published in Over the Edge Magazine, Sam Wall, January 2018
“Time to Stand Up”, poem, published in Over the Edge Magazine, Sam Wall, February 2018
“Time to Stand Up”, poem, published in Thimbleberry Magazine, Rob Budde and Kara-Lee McDonald Fall 2018
“Self Guided Poetic Tour”, brochure, written for and published by Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, B.C. 2018
“Beyond Bread and Roses”, poem, published in the anthology They Will Keep Speaking the Night, Rob Budde, September 2019
“Time to Stand Up”, poem, published in Iskra: Voice of the Doukhobors, USCC, Barry Verigin and Stephanie Swetilshoff, November 2019
“#MeToo”, poem, published in An Anthology of Emerging Poets 2019, Z Publishing House, December 2019
“Don’t Call Me”, poem, published in An Anthology of Emerging Poets 2019, Z Publishing House, December 2019
"The Flash", poem, published in An Anthology of Sci-Fi Poetry, Dimensionfold Press, April 2020
"The Cylon Poem", poem, published in An Anthology of Sci-Fi Poetry, Dimensionfold Press, April 2020
“Un-Programmed”, poem, published in Poems from the Heron Clan VII, Katherine James Books, March 2021
“Beyond Bread and Roses”, poem, published in Poems from the Heron Clan VII, Katherine James Books, March 2021
“Every Third Thursday”, recorded by SMG Endeavors, played on podcast episode ‘It’s All About Love’ by Gimme the MIC!, 4th June 2021
"Dear Cigarettes", poem, published in Thimbleberry Magazine, Rob Budde, Winter, 2023
Writing Activities and Memberships
Reader and organizer for poetry reading at Second Cup, Kelowna, B.C. , July 2001
Reader and organizer for poetry reading at Second Cup, Kelowna, B.C., August 2001
Editor, facilitator, and distributor for the group story project The Shark and The Dolphin with kids from Kool Cats Daycare, Prince George, B.C., August 2012
Reader at the 5th annual Post North poetry reading at the Twisted Cork, Prince George, B.C., February 2013
Workshop facilitator, organizer and reader at the annual Robson Valley Music Festival, Dunster, B.C., August 2016, 2017, 2019
Workshop facilitator, organizer and reader at a private event hosted by Beatwave Productions, Salmon Valley, B.C., September 2016
Performed “Dear Cigarettes” with Doug Koyama at Cici and Kazo’s House Concert, Prince George, B.C., October 2016
Reader and organizer for poetry reading at the Black Donkey Café, Prince George, B.C., December 2016
Workshop facilitator, organizer and reader at Voices of Visons event at Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, B.C., February 2017
Reader and organizer for poetry reading at the Bluebelle Bistro, Kaslo, B.C., August 2017
Organizer, reader and M.C. at monthly Wordplay events at Books and Company, Prince George, B.C., July 2017 to present
Reader at University of Northern British Columbia’s (UNBC) Inspiring Women Among Us Creativity Night at UNBC, Prince George, B.C., November 2017
Reader at University of Northern British Columbia’s (UNBC) Inspiring Women Among at UNBC, Prince George, B.C., November 2017
Organizer and workshop facilitator at WordPower, a fundraiser for the Unist’ot’en Camp, Artspace, Prince George, B.C., January 2018
Reader at Radical Poetry Night fundraiser at UNBC’s Thirsty Moose Pub, Prince George, B.C., January 2018
Reader and workshop facilitator at Music on the Meadow (MoM) Festival, Fort St. James, B.C., August 2018
Reader and Organizer of the Science of Poetry at the Exploration Place, Prince George, B.C., September 2018
Reader and featured artist for the “Self Guided Poetic Tour” brochure launch at a Two Rivers Gallery's Culture Days events, Prince George, B.C., September 2018
Organizer and Reader at WordPlay, monthly spoken word evening at Café Voltaire in Books and Company, Prince George, B.C., April 2017-June 2019
Reader at W.I.L.D. Gala, Castlegar B.C, 29th November 2019
Reader at Two Evenings of Canadian Poetry, Trail B.C., December 2018 and January 2019
Organizer and Facilitator of Walking with Words, series of outdoor walking/writing workshops, Spring/Summer 2021
Organizer and Reader at Common Creative Collaborations, monthly spoken word evening at Common Grounds, Castlegar, B.C., November 2019-2022
Social Media Co-ordinator for Nelson Writer’s council and Words on Baker group and event December 2019-October 2022
Artist in Residence at Omineca Arts Center, March 2023